Designing a new greenhouse market gardening company is specialist work. The available space must be filled as optimally as possible and in one design all things have to be geared to one another. Your wishes or requirements and your vision form the basis. Zoning plan, legal requirements and other regulations and, for example, insurance requirements are then incorporated and everything comes together in one well-considered design.
Important: Looije Agro Technics is an independent company. We work completely independently of suppliers or fitters or market operators. This guarantees that your interests are central in developing your project.
In putting together a design we use all our knowledge of the subject-matter. From the unit greenhouse, screens, heating, water, layout, concrete work, groundwork etc. to a design for your company concourse and offices. Even considering and deciding beforehand on the possible complete logistical automation of your company process (robots, machines) is necessary in order to come to a good layout plan. Our project staff knows your business sector and are completely up-to-date in the field of layouts and will translate this into an optimal design. By pooling all available knowledge, an overall plan for your project comes into being.
After we have approved the overall plan in consultation with you, we will develop the plan in accurate (sub)descriptions so that tenders can be requested from the suppliers or fitters with whom you wish to work
We listen to your wishes and merge these into an integrated plan. Not until a later stage, if so desired, do we approach different suppliers chosen by you for a tender on taking care of (part of) the project.
Of course, you can always involve our specialists for one part of your new build, but as soon as we are working on your entire project as an integrated team we are at our best. It is not for nothing that the company slogan of Looije Agro Technics is: ‘well-considered and complete’.